Shimon Dotan

Hot House

Screens: Friday March 30th at 7:00 PM

Director's Filmography

Repeat Dive (1982)
Hyinch Ha'gdi (1985)
The Finest Hour (1992)
Warriors (1994)
Sworn Enemies (1996)
You Can Thank Me Later (1998)
Hot House (2006)

Director's Biography

Shimon Dotan, a Fellow of the New York Institute of the Humanities at NYU, is an award-winning filmmaker with ten feature films to his credit. His films have been the recipients of the Silver Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival (Hyinch Ha'gdi, 1985), numerous Israeli Academy Awards, including Best Film & Best Director (Repeat Dive, 1982; Hyinch Ha'gdi), & Best Film at the Newport Beach Film Festival (You Can Thank Me Later, 1998). Dotan has taught filmmaking at Tel Aviv University & at Concordia University in Montreal.