Norma Marcos
En Attendant Ben Gourion - [Waiting for Ben Gorion]
Screens: Saturday March 31st at 4:00 PM
Director's Filmography
Bethlehem Sous Surveillance (1990)
The Veiled Hope (1994)
En Attendant Ben Gourion (2006)
Director's Biography
Norma Marcos received her Masters in Arabic Literature and Journalism in 1983. Since that time, she has worked in print and radio as a news correspondent and editor. Marcos has also taught film courses at the Rimbaud School in Douai, France, and at the University of Hanover in Germany. Between 2002 and 2004, she wrote a book on Palestinian women with the assistance of a highly prestigious German grant, the Laureate of Stiftung Umverteilen. Additionally, she has directed and worked on several documentaries, which have been shown on television and in theaters around the world.